Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR project EBONSI: Extended Block-Oriented Nonlinear System Identification

Participants : Boyi Ni, Michel Sorine, Qinghua Zhang.

The main idea of block-oriented nonlinear system identification is to model complex systems with interconnected simple blocks. Such models cover many industrial applications and are simple enough for theoretic studies. In EBONSI we extend classical block-oriented nonlinear models to new model structures motivated by applications, and relax some traditional restrictions on experimental conditions. This international project is jointly funded by the French ANR and the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) from 2011 to 2014. The partners are SISYPHE (project leader), the Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (CRAN), and the Laboratory of Industrial Process Monitoring and Optimization of Peking University.

ANR project 0DEFECT: On-board fault diagnosis for wired networks

Participants : Mohamed Oumri, Michel Sorine, Qinghua Zhang.

Due to the increasing number of electric and electronic equipments in automotive vehicles, the reliability of electric connections is becoming more and more important. The project 0DEFECT aims at developing tools for on-board diagnosis of failures in electric wire connections in automotive systems. The project is funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) from 2009 to Jan 2013. The partners are CEA LIST (project leader), Renault Trucks, Freescale, PSA, Delphi, Supelec LGEP and Inria.

ANR project SODDA: Soft Defects Diagnosis in wired networks

Participants : Michel Sorine, Qinghua Zhang.

The need for detection, localization and characterization of defects in a cable network has led to the ANR projects SEEDS followed by 0-DEFECT in the automotive domain, INSCAN for cables along railways. These projects provide the foundations of diagnosis methods for cables – with a proof of feasibility in the case of hard defects (short-circuit, open circuit) - and some theoretical results on the associated inverse problems in the case of soft faults. They also made it possible to identify their limits. One of the principal limits of these methods, based on the principles of reflectometry, is the difficulty of detecting soft defects. If it was possible to detect and locate precisely these defects, that would help for preventive maintenance or prognosis. The objective of SODDA is to study the signatures of the soft defects, by combining theory and experiment, and to design and test innovative methods adapted to these signatures which are very difficult to detect. The project is run by an academic consortium, in close connection with an industrial board, responsible for keeping the work in realistic and relevant use cases. The Inria teams involved are POEMS and Sisyphe.

ANR project EPOQ2: Estimation PrOblems for Quantum & Quantumlike systems

Participants : Mazyar Mirrahimi, Pierre Rouchon, Michel Sorine.

The project EPOQ2 is an ANR “Young researcher” project led by Mazyar Mirrahimi (Sisyphe). Its goal is to address a class of inverse problems arising from either the emerging application domain of “quantum engineering” or from some classical applications where a natural quantization lead to quantum-like systems, as it is the case in particular for inverse scattering for transmission lines. This research is in collaboration with the Pierre Aigrain laboratory at ENS Paris, Michel Devoret and Rob Schoelkopf at Yale University and Pierre Rouchon from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris.

Inria Large Scale Initiative Action REGATE

REGATE (REgulation of the GonAdoTropE axis) has been a 4-year Large Scale Initiative Action funded by Inria in May 2009 dedicated to the modeling, simulation and control of the gonadotrope axis. The action is coordinated by Frédérique Clément. The Inria participants to this action are researchers of 2 Inria research teams, Contraintes and Sisyphe. There are also participants from INRA, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Unité de Chronobiologie théorique), Université Paris 6 (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions) and the Florida State University.

The closing meeting of REGATE has hold this year on April 9th. Beyond its academic achievements (see more details on the publication page of the website), REGATE has played a significant role on the national level, in the constitution of the transversal research group “Integrative and translational approaches of human and animal reproduction” (GdR REPRO), that was initiated by ITMO (Multi OrganizationThematic Institute)) BCDE (Cell Biology, Development and Evolution).